5.5 i’m deep into react form nesting

5.5h Today I kept slugging away at my app. I got a recipe form working to persist data. I also finished up the fetch calls in react to get user info and current recipe data. I did a lot of work trying to get my background images look good on small and large screens. That was a lot of work! Tomorrow I have almost 9-5 solely to code, and I’m hoping to get a ton done. If all goes by my plan I will have a small, but functional mvp tomorrow night.

Looking back at today I wish I was able to get enzyme test written for my react code. Honestly I feel like it’s too soon to write tests because I’m refactoring so much, but I guess that excuse could always be used. Tomorrow I’ll get into it more.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow. It’s going to be a good day!

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